Code of Conduct, Law and Promise

Posted on 1st July 2014 by Kerry Harris

The Scout Law
A Scout is to be Trusted
A Scout is to be Loyal
A Scout is Friendly and Considerate
A Scout is a member of the world wide family of scouts
A Scout has courage in all difficulties
A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property
A Scout has self respect and respect for others


The Scout Promise
On my honour, I promise that I will do my best.
To do my duty to my God and to the Queen
To help other people and to keep the Scout Law


4th Chester-le-Street Scouts Code of Conduct
(This has been discussed with all Scouts in July 2014 and was agreed by all those present)

1 . Be respectful to Leaders
2. Be loyal and trustworthy to Leaders, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers.
3. Act responsibly and be a good role model- set a good example.
4. Be kind and friendly to everyone in the group.
5. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
6. Listen and think before you speak.
7. Take care of equipment and other peoples things.
8. Include everyone in the activities.
9. Have fun, share a smile!
10. Respect the Code.


If you cannot respect the Code, Law or Promise then action will be taken. You will be given a verbal warning followed by a ‘yellow’ warning. If you get two ‘yellow’ warnings then you will get a ‘red card’. This will be taken home for discussion. A Leader will also contact home either in person at the end of the night if you are picked up, by text or e-mail . If your attitudes and behaviours continue to be poor then you may be suspended or have your PL or APL taken from you.
